Holy smokes am I ever glad this project is done.
I did not like this project one bit.
For me, these were tough.
It was a lot of fabric to deal with all at once.
I had to turn our dining room table into a sewing table.

It didn't help that one of the sets of curtain clips I bought disappeared somewhere between the store and home. I turned this house upside down looking for them, and finally had to break down and buy more.
But I was most scared to finish the bottoms for fear of doing the length wrong. The curtains were hanging in our living room for weeks with an extra two feet of fabric at the bottoms because I was so afraid of cutting them too short.

I'm a get-it-done kind of girl, and procrastinated endlessly each time I should have been working on this project. I finally had my dad install the curtain rods, thinking if those were on the wall, I'd have no choice but to finish the curtains.

And now they're done.
And I am happy with how they turned out.
And order has been restored to my house.
And I feel like a new woman.
And I can move on to my other projects.
But please, remind me of this post next time I say I want to make curtains.