Today I started collecting all my reading material for vacation. I'm not a reader at home...for a long time I aspired to be, but I'm just not. I generally fall asleep while reading.
Magazines are my thing though, so I've got a whole collection ready for our trip. The nice thing about magazines is I'll leave them behind as I'm done with them, so my load will only get lighter.
I do have two books with me that I hope to get through while lounging poolside. The first is God's Whisper in a Mother's Chaos by Keri Wyatt Kent. And the second is The Mommy Diaries, Finding Yourself in the Daily Adventure by Tally Flint. (This was a book given to all the MOPS moms back in September and has been on my nightstand ever since. See I really don't read much!)
And yes, I do see the irony in going on a romantic getaway with my husband, and only reading material about parenting and motherhood. That's just my life right now!