Is it just me, or did the end of the school year just creep up out of no where??? While I'm so ready for summer vacation and wide open days, I love love love Claire's teachers and will be sad to see our time with them end.
Throughout the school year, the kids would take turns bringing home the "Take Home Bag" which contained different homework activities for the kids to do.
I picked up a pack of pre-made canvas bags from Hobby Lobby and rummaged through my fabric scraps finding fabrics containing bright reds, yellows, blues and greens. (Yet another reason to never throw away fabric, my scraps only needed to be 3-4 inches in size in order to work for this project!)
I cut letters out using my Cricut and traced them onto the fabric using Heat n Bond Ultra (remember when using Heat n Bond to trace your letters/shapes backwards!)
I made two bags and laid out each of the letters until I found the just right combination of fabrics for each one
after finding the just right spacing for the letters, I ironed them on to the two bags
I'm so happy with how these turned out and hope the teachers love them too! This is definitely a project anyone can do as there was no sewing involved, just some cutting and ironing. Now go dig through your fabric scraps and see what projects you can come up with!!
***Stay tuned, I've got a fabulous giveaway coming up that you don't want to miss!***