Today we're spotlighting Young Living's Purification Essential Oil.
Purification is included in the Premium Starter Kit, and is a blend of Citronella, Rosemary Lemongrass, Tea Tree, Lavandin & Myrtle oils.
As far as scents go, this one is way up there on my list!
Here are a few of the most common uses for Young Living's Purification :
- air purifying. Diffuse a few drops to rid your home of odors and to support a healthy respiratory system.
- insect repellent. Mix a few drops with water in a glass or stainless steel spray bottle and apply to skin. Or diffuse outdoors to repel bugs.
- laundry. Drop onto wool dryer balls to leave your laundry extra fresh.
- freshen shoes. Place one drop either on a cotton ball inside of shoe or directly into shoe to eliminate odors.
- skin care. Sooth and purify skin abrasions using Purification + a carrier oil.
- freshen shoes. Place one drop either on a cotton ball inside of shoe or directly into shoe to eliminate odors.
- skin care. Sooth and purify skin abrasions using Purification + a carrier oil.