(alternate title for this post : MY HUSBAND ROCKS!)
In addition to giving handmade this holiday season, I was lucky enough to receive some handmade items as well!
Let me tell you something about my husband : he.spoils.me.
Here's what I mean...
Vintage Typewriter Key Pendant from
Gwen Delicious Jewelry on Etsy
Jewelry Box from Design Hut on Etsy
matching aprons for Claire & I from Lucky Ducky Designs
TWO custom pieces from Red Letter Words
(this is hilarious seeing as I sat next to and chatted with Dee of Red Letter Words at a Panera on December 23 for over two hours!)
for my craft room
we're not sure yet where we're going to hang this one. It's currently on a shelf above our washer and dryer in our laundry room. When I expressed to Eric that it may never be seen there, he kindly reminded me of the amount of time I spend in front of the washer and dryer, so certainly it will be seen plenty!
He did good, huh?
And...it gets better.
I'm aware this isn't handmade, but look what he did...
can't read that? Look closer.
It's an iPad with my name and shop on the back, ahh!
yup. I'm spoiled.
(and I'm really okay with it!)
In addition to giving handmade this holiday season, I was lucky enough to receive some handmade items as well!
Let me tell you something about my husband : he.spoils.me.
Here's what I mean...
Vintage Typewriter Key Pendant from
Gwen Delicious Jewelry on Etsy

(this is hilarious seeing as I sat next to and chatted with Dee of Red Letter Words at a Panera on December 23 for over two hours!)

He did good, huh?
And...it gets better.
I'm aware this isn't handmade, but look what he did...

It's an iPad with my name and shop on the back, ahh!

(and I'm really okay with it!)