Day 1 : Dream Spun Kids

I absolutely adore this shop, and not just because it's local to me. I've been eying these adorable pettiskirts now for some time and am simply waiting for the just right occasion to buy one for my little girl. (Fully knowing that after I give her one, she's never going to want to wear anything else!)
I can only imagine how fun it is for little girls to wear these!
love it!
and if you're feeling especially crafty, Dream Spun Kids also sells kits that include everything needed to make a pettiskirt yourself! According to the listing, the only skills needed to make one yourself are the ability to sew a straight stitch, gather, and keep a mountain of chiffon fabric organized!
With 20+ color choices and unlimited options for color combinations, your little girl could certainly be set for any holiday party coming up!

With 20+ color choices and unlimited options for color combinations, your little girl could certainly be set for any holiday party coming up!