Here's what I'm most thankful for, right now!
1. Amazing progress this week on our bathroom redo. It's so nice to be beyond demo and to be working on putting it back together.
2. Painting with my dad Friday night. He showed up to help with the cutting in, probably since he knows it's not my favorite part of painting!
3. My computer is back, with a new expensive hard drive, but at least it's back to working again.
4. Receiving warning that my hard drive was bad, so I could make sure everything was backed up.
5. Awesome thunderstorms last week and searching for worms with Claire afterwards.
6. Construction on the house next door to us is D.O.N.E. Let there be peace again!
7. New neighbors who seem so nice, and have kids!
8. I haven't changed a diaper in weeks. So glad potty training went so well!
9. Working on projects in the yard and around the house with Eric. Yup, we're a great team!
10. An entire Sunday afternoon and evening spent outside with my family.
What are you most thankful for today?