Still looking for a fun Valentine's craft to do with your kids? Check this out! I really wish I could take credit for this idea because it's so stinkin cute, but unfortunately, I can't. I saw it on the blog
Little Bit Funky and it was just so adorable, I had to try it!
All you need is red paint and a brush, white, pink or red card stock, some fun scissors and other embellishments if you wish!
I decided to strap my daughter into her portable highchair for this project. At the age of 16 months, she's too old to let me have complete control, but not old enough that I could explain to her how I needed her to cooperate! I kept her distracted pretty well with some crayons while I went to work!

I stamped lots of pieces of paper, in part because some just didn't turn out so fabulous, and also in part because it can't hurt to just hold on to a few extras for some use in the future.

Finally, I let my daughter out of her highchair and she got to check out what all the fuss was about!

We're planning to give these to my husband and to all the grandparents, I sure they'll love them!