I hope you're all having a wonderful Fall, it just so happens to be my favorite season! Clearly, the blog has been a little quiet the last two months, so I thought I would share a bit of what I've been up to.
Our summer was incredibly busy. Very fun, but very busy. Between the first weekend of June and the last weekend of August we weren't home a single weekend, including three weekends that we were out of state. So, once we hit Labor Day weekend, I was in full-on get-caught-up-on-life and ready-for-baby mode which has looked something like this...
this girl started up 4 year old preschool, four afternoons a week.
that meant we had several weeks of a verynaughty tired girl,
thankfully she's adjusted now and we have our very pleasant Claire back
I held a garage sale and cleaned out the majority of our girl clothes (to the tune of 10 large plastic tubs worth!) While I was sad to see some of the clothes go, it sure is nice to have our basement storage room so cleaned out.

I turned 30 in September! So many people asked how I felt about turning 30, and the truth is, I was completely okay with it. My family is amazing, I love my friends, and I'm so content at this point in my life, that 30 really is just a number. Not to mention, having an awesome party to celebrate sure helps!
See my posts on it:
See the Pearl's Events posts on it:
We've tried to soak up as much of this gorgeous Fall as possible. Lots of fresh air now because we know Winter is coming and we'll be spending enough time indoors then!
Two weekends after my party, Claire turned 4 and we threw her a cupcake-themed party. This was her first "real" birthday party and we took so much joy in watching her and her friends together.
I went on an overnight with some girlfriends to get scrap booking done. My goal was to have Claire's book completely caught up before Little Guy's arrival, and I would say I'm 90% there, not bad! For the second year, I got together with the same girlfriends to make applesauce. We've found using Michigan Ida Red and Michigan Macintosh apples is a delicious combination. Note to us: 3 bushels in one evening is a major undertaking, thanks Eric for jumping in to help!
I've been working on getting Little Guy's nursery all ready, and we're very close. As of this week the art work is hung and the fabric for the crib skirt arrived. I couldn't be happier with how it is all coming together. I'll be sure to post a full room tour when it's complete.
And apparently nesting has carried over into other rooms of our house including...
the kid's bathroom
and our bedroom
I'll post full before and afters of those as well!
I'll be making my last pre-baby pillow delivery to Rebel this week. 12 pillows - my biggest drop off yet! I've got a new pillow design that I've been working through as well, we'll see if it happens pre-baby or not!
Now today I'm packing the diaper bag, finishing setting up the cradle and otherwise just laying low! I'm not sure what the status of the blog will be for the next couple of weeks with Little Guy's arrival, but I'll be sure to keep you posted!

Our summer was incredibly busy. Very fun, but very busy. Between the first weekend of June and the last weekend of August we weren't home a single weekend, including three weekends that we were out of state. So, once we hit Labor Day weekend, I was in full-on get-caught-up-on-life and ready-for-baby mode which has looked something like this...

that meant we had several weeks of a very
thankfully she's adjusted now and we have our very pleasant Claire back

See my posts on it:
See the Pearl's Events posts on it:

And apparently nesting has carried over into other rooms of our house including...
I'll post full before and afters of those as well!
Now today I'm packing the diaper bag, finishing setting up the cradle and otherwise just laying low! I'm not sure what the status of the blog will be for the next couple of weeks with Little Guy's arrival, but I'll be sure to keep you posted!