I don't normally fall into the whole New Years reflecting/planning mindset much. I tend to be a planner anyway, so lists and goals are not uncommon for me. For some reason this year though, I have found myself in the New Year's mindset more, especially in the "looking ahead" category.
But first, here's a little looking back...
But first, here's a little looking back...
* I had my first Etsy sale two years ago this week. I can still remember when the email popped up that I had sold two items, I might have let out a big ole "yessss!"

* I was contacted by Minty Keen in downtown Grand Rapids about including some of my wreaths and zippered pouches in their shop. As if that wasn't incredible enough, my wreaths were then shown in articles, and one was even featured on a local news segment.

* I had to eat my "I will never join Twitter" words when I joined just two weeks ago. I can already tell the benefits of being on Twitter for networking and connecting with some great people. (not to mention having fabulous people like Gussy and Lindsey as followers kind of makes me feel like a rock star!)

* I've found my sales from sources outside of Etsy (word of mouth, etc) have grown a ton in the last few months and I LOVE it!
And now, a little looking forward...
(many goals inspired by the fact that I'll be moving to a new, smaller yet hopefully more efficient craft room in the near future!)
* I plan to (finally) get the shop updated with all the inventory I've created and have been sitting on. Lucky for you, this includes new categories of items, never before listed!
* I am going to try to finish every last unfinished project waiting for me in my craft room before starting anything new. (this is a tough one, anyone else out there guilty of starting projects and not finishing them???)
* I need to once and for all get caught up (and by that I may mean started) on a scrapbook for Claire. We have a family blog where I've faithfully documented e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g, but I would still like to have a physical book to look at of her growing up. I'm only three years behind, no big deal, right?
* I need to finally get all the patterns, tutorials and other amazing projects I've been printing/saving organized into a single binder.
* I hope to do more promoting and advertising of Cora Anne Designs in the new year.
I'm so excited to see what sorts of things are in store for Cora Anne in the New Year, thanks so much for being a part of it!