My new craft room is really taking shape!
This week brought base boards, trim and the base for my counter tops. It also brought our first snafu as the counter tops were originally installed at counter top height rather than table height. Since I plan to use the counter tops for my sewing machine and serger, I really needed them at table height.
Nothing that unscrewing a ridiculous amount of screws and re-drilling them into my brand new walls didn't fix. (note to self : time to come up with an amazing back splash option to cover up that mistake!)
and meanwhile, we've had two other projects in the works...
one involving this blank wall in our living room
and one that Claire has finally caught on to,
"hey, this looks like a Claire-size house!"
I'll fill you in on details of those two projects once they're done!

"hey, this looks like a Claire-size house!"
I'll fill you in on details of those two projects once they're done!