This was a major "back to reality" kind of week for us as it was for a lot of people, but you know, it was actually really nice! I've had a whole list of projects that I've just been waiting for the craziness of summer to be done so I can work on, and it's as if Labor Day weekend hit and someone said, "ready, set go!"
something new in the works in some great new colors!
We've been looking at lots of gray paint samples trying to come up with the best silver/gray color for Little Guy's nursery. We've got the painters lined up, they're just waiting on us, but grays are NOT easy! Any recommendations???
Also on my summer's over to do list was adding art to the kid's bathroom.
Hello, Sarah Jane, I love you.
And in the midst of project-land, we sent this girl off for her first day at 4 year old preschool...
and she just looks so big here I can hardly stand it!
Stop growing so fast please, dear child.
and of course, back to school means a back to school feast
(complete with a full-sized pie for three people,
don't judge, I promise we didn't eat it all that night)
Happy weekend, everyone!
you can find me on Instagram at : coraannedesigns

Hello, Sarah Jane, I love you.
And in the midst of project-land, we sent this girl off for her first day at 4 year old preschool...

Stop growing so fast please, dear child.

(complete with a full-sized pie for three people,
don't judge, I promise we didn't eat it all that night)
Happy weekend, everyone!
you can find me on Instagram at : coraannedesigns