While the entire setting for my 30th birthday party was amazing and completely blew me away, a birthday would never be so incredible if not for great people to spend it with.
Thanks so much Aletha and Lauryn for all the work you put into making this night happen! I'm so glad that Eric trusted your vision for the night, and know that we've heard nothing but rave reviews from everyone who attended. Aletha, it was so great to finally meet you face to face, and I hope our paths cross again soon!
Thanks so much to all of our friends and family who came down to celebrate with us, we feel so blessed to have each of you in our lives!
Eric, thank you so much for all the thought you put into this night and for wanting it to be exactly what I would want. (Not to mention, I'm so glad you really are listening to me when I'm going on about the blogs I read to know to hire Aletha to get the job done!) I got such a kick out of sensing your nervousness as we were approaching the party, and then seeing your excitement and relief once we arrived!
I love your heart and wouldn't trade one minute of the last decade that we've spent together. Looking forward to the decades we have ahead of us and all they will bring!