off to church!

Father's Day brunch
eating outdoors in downtown Grand Haven = little slice of Heaven
we've been making fruit parfaits at home all week with strawberry yogurt, fresh strawberries and blueberries and rolled oats, yum! And yes, we do make them in tall, pretty glasses too, of course!

This week I finally had to hit the mall and pick up some new maternity clothes. I had some luck with a few items, and this girl was a champ the entire time. She walked "just like mumma", carrying a purse and all, and pointing out the clothes she thought might be nice. Her reward : a ride on the carousel. Best dollar I spent all week!

Tuesday was our 8th wedding anniversary and we went out to dinner that night to celebrate! After weeks of feeling awkward and not so great in my clothes, it felt so good to have some new maternity duds to wear. Cotton dresses + leggings will be my best friends for the remainder of the summer.

we got caught in a major downpour leaving the restaurant. At least my hair and outfit lasted during dinner, because once we were out in that rain, it was all over! We'll just say I'm very glad we didn't have the same weather on our wedding day!

My mother-in-law took Claire one morning so I could get some grocery shopping done solo. I never allow myself to visit the Starbucks in the grocery store, but shopping all alone was reason enough for a celebration!
(Oy, is anyone else noticing the food theme here?? Must be the pregnancy talking!)
our week took a sudden turn for the worse when this girl woke up Thursday morning complaining that her "head hurt from all her dreams". Major fever.

Nothing a full day of laying on the couch video-watching, popsicle-eating and napping on mumma didn't cure.
Happy weekend, everyone!