My week, courtesy of the ever-awesome Instagram...

starting the week off right with one of my favorites, walking to church
what better way to prepare for worship than a nice family walk??

I made chicken enchiladas for a family that just had a baby.
This is my go-to recipe when I have to bring someone a meal.
I'll share the recipe with you soon.

Eric brought me dessert in my craft room one night this week.
Neapolitan ice cream with strawberries on top.
That's true love, I tell you.
I would be just a little embarrassed to share how many strawberries exactly
Claire and I have consumed this week. Here's your hint : a lot.
Which brings me to my next picture...

I'm at the point of my-pants-are-too-small but I-don't-want-to-wear-maternity-clothes-yet. So I tried the old rubber band trick. Yeah, the rubber band snapped within minutes of my putting it on. So, I went to Target and bought a
belly band instead, which may just be my new BFF. Just saying.

I had to run way more errands this week than I normally like to, in large part to a design project I'm working on (eek!) Thankfully, this girl was a champ and did super with all our running around town.

our hydrangeas are blooming!!
So far this year they're looking healthier than ever, I can't wait to see how big they get!

a little peek at something new I've been working on this week
(and I promise, the shop WILL reopen soon!)

I really don't know what I do so right with flowers as I've never considered myself a green thumb, but wow, can I just say our flower box flowers are amazing?!?

Two days this week reached 90+ degrees.
Sundresses and swinging were in order for this girl!
(and look at those curls!)
Happy weekend, everyone!