This week certainly turned out to be the marathon I thought it would be. All really fun things, but just a very full schedule. Here's a peek!
my girl will be a flower girl in a wedding in a few weeks,

we had her first appointment for alterations on Monday.
She can't help but twirl and sway every time she puts the dress on!
summer grilling = my favorite.
Plus this was our second week of our farm CSA produce pick up. Some of the vegetables we received this week included mixed greens plus spinach and frisee, radishes, chives, and some other vegetables that I either don't remember the name, or don't know how to spell! I love the challenge that comes with having so much produce in the house each week - some serious meal planning is required, plus trying new recipes too.
Hello, baby bump! We've reached 20 weeks!
We had our ultrasound and were lucky enough to enjoy a full hour of watching our very healthy, very busy baby BOY!
Two full days of this week were spent redoing my brother's living room and dining room as a surprise for him. My favorite part was adding the personal touches. His dog Miles is his best friend, so I made him a Miles Pillow. Came out even cuter than I had pictured!
Breakfast at Starbucks with my girl. She thought she was hilarious doing goofy-smiles and then asking to see the picture. I'll remember this picture as at this moment she's sitting in a time out screaming at me, *sigh*. So while her Friday may be off to a bad start (time-outs before 8 AM are never a good sign!), I hope you all have a great start to this weekend!!

She can't help but twirl and sway every time she puts the dress on!

Plus this was our second week of our farm CSA produce pick up. Some of the vegetables we received this week included mixed greens plus spinach and frisee, radishes, chives, and some other vegetables that I either don't remember the name, or don't know how to spell! I love the challenge that comes with having so much produce in the house each week - some serious meal planning is required, plus trying new recipes too.

We had our ultrasound and were lucky enough to enjoy a full hour of watching our very healthy, very busy baby BOY!