Monday's 10 Things
1. My older brother Michael who is celebrating a birthday today!
2. Evening trips to the beach, my favorite.
3. Watching my girl dip into Lake Michigan, clothes and all.
4. A new family tradition starting of eating out after church.
5. A rainy Monday to stay in and rest up after a crazy, busy weekend.
6. Checking things off my to do list, this early in the week.
Whew! What are the chances I can keep more from being added?!?
7. A short work week for Eric and then lots of family vacation time!
8. Feeling baby boy moving every day, love it.
9. Instagram - it's just soaddicting awesome.
10. New Cora Anne business possibilities, so exciting!
What are you most thankful for today?

1. My older brother Michael who is celebrating a birthday today!
2. Evening trips to the beach, my favorite.
3. Watching my girl dip into Lake Michigan, clothes and all.
4. A new family tradition starting of eating out after church.
5. A rainy Monday to stay in and rest up after a crazy, busy weekend.
6. Checking things off my to do list, this early in the week.
Whew! What are the chances I can keep more from being added?!?
7. A short work week for Eric and then lots of family vacation time!
8. Feeling baby boy moving every day, love it.
9. Instagram - it's just so
10. New Cora Anne business possibilities, so exciting!
What are you most thankful for today?

eating outdoors in downtown Grand Haven = little slice of Heaven
we've been making fruit parfaits at home all week with strawberry yogurt, fresh strawberries and blueberries and rolled oats, yum! And yes, we do make them in tall, pretty glasses too, of course!

Happy weekend, everyone!
Design*Sponge City Guide
Did you happen to see the Grand Rapids City Guide
posted on Design*Sponge this week???
What a great list of places to go and visit in our awesome city, I even learned about some restaurants and shops I didn't know existed!
posted on Design*Sponge this week???

And look who made the list :
Rebel Reclaimed — These people have obviously been reading Design*Sponge. Sweet little shop that does repurposed with flair. Whimsical and fun. 926 Fulton St. E., 616-218-9257
Congratulations Rebel, so cool!
Stonesthrow — Long-time GR furniture family owns and operates this modern furniture store with ample showroom space and lots of flair. The store also includes EQ3, contemporary furniture, accessories and art. 1428 Plainfield Ave. NE, 616-459-4167
this was my Grandparent's furniture store and will forever have a special place in my heart (plus the majority of our house has been furnished by Stonesthrow)
be sure to take a peek at the guide and see all this city has to offer!

And look who made the list :
Rebel Reclaimed — These people have obviously been reading Design*Sponge. Sweet little shop that does repurposed with flair. Whimsical and fun. 926 Fulton St. E., 616-218-9257
Congratulations Rebel, so cool!
Stonesthrow — Long-time GR furniture family owns and operates this modern furniture store with ample showroom space and lots of flair. The store also includes EQ3, contemporary furniture, accessories and art. 1428 Plainfield Ave. NE, 616-459-4167
this was my Grandparent's furniture store and will forever have a special place in my heart (plus the majority of our house has been furnished by Stonesthrow)
be sure to take a peek at the guide and see all this city has to offer!
Monday's 10 Things
1. Eric and what a great dad he is to Claire.
2. Knowing how hard Eric works to support our family.
3. Also knowing that when his work day is done, he gets home just as fast as he can so we can have quality family time.
4. My dad. I love that I can still call him any time I need help with a project or have a question about something. (Would you believe he has a part in the production of my ruffle pillows?? It's true!)
5. Celebrating 8 years of marriage tomorrow, and it just keeps getting better!
6. Date night tomorrow night to celebrate, sweet!
7. Hearing the report from our ultrasound that our baby is healthy and developing wonderfully.
8. Outside of being tired and a bit achy, feeling very good through this portion of the pregnancy.
9. Enjoying a very nice weekend with highlights including a Lake Michigan boat ride, a trolley ride and eating lunch outdoors after church on Sunday.
10. After two crazy weeks, having an almost completely open week to feel caught up on life again!
What are you most thankful for today?

1. Eric and what a great dad he is to Claire.
2. Knowing how hard Eric works to support our family.
3. Also knowing that when his work day is done, he gets home just as fast as he can so we can have quality family time.
4. My dad. I love that I can still call him any time I need help with a project or have a question about something. (Would you believe he has a part in the production of my ruffle pillows?? It's true!)
5. Celebrating 8 years of marriage tomorrow, and it just keeps getting better!
6. Date night tomorrow night to celebrate, sweet!
7. Hearing the report from our ultrasound that our baby is healthy and developing wonderfully.
8. Outside of being tired and a bit achy, feeling very good through this portion of the pregnancy.
9. Enjoying a very nice weekend with highlights including a Lake Michigan boat ride, a trolley ride and eating lunch outdoors after church on Sunday.
10. After two crazy weeks, having an almost completely open week to feel caught up on life again!
What are you most thankful for today?
This week certainly turned out to be the marathon I thought it would be. All really fun things, but just a very full schedule. Here's a peek!
my girl will be a flower girl in a wedding in a few weeks,

we had her first appointment for alterations on Monday.
She can't help but twirl and sway every time she puts the dress on!
summer grilling = my favorite.
Plus this was our second week of our farm CSA produce pick up. Some of the vegetables we received this week included mixed greens plus spinach and frisee, radishes, chives, and some other vegetables that I either don't remember the name, or don't know how to spell! I love the challenge that comes with having so much produce in the house each week - some serious meal planning is required, plus trying new recipes too.
Hello, baby bump! We've reached 20 weeks!
We had our ultrasound and were lucky enough to enjoy a full hour of watching our very healthy, very busy baby BOY!
Two full days of this week were spent redoing my brother's living room and dining room as a surprise for him. My favorite part was adding the personal touches. His dog Miles is his best friend, so I made him a Miles Pillow. Came out even cuter than I had pictured!
Breakfast at Starbucks with my girl. She thought she was hilarious doing goofy-smiles and then asking to see the picture. I'll remember this picture as at this moment she's sitting in a time out screaming at me, *sigh*. So while her Friday may be off to a bad start (time-outs before 8 AM are never a good sign!), I hope you all have a great start to this weekend!!

She can't help but twirl and sway every time she puts the dress on!

Plus this was our second week of our farm CSA produce pick up. Some of the vegetables we received this week included mixed greens plus spinach and frisee, radishes, chives, and some other vegetables that I either don't remember the name, or don't know how to spell! I love the challenge that comes with having so much produce in the house each week - some serious meal planning is required, plus trying new recipes too.

We had our ultrasound and were lucky enough to enjoy a full hour of watching our very healthy, very busy baby BOY!
Monday Updates
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Ours was really nice, the highlight for me being Sunday with church, a stop at the opening day of the Fulton Street Artist's Market, and lunch at Roses, one of our favorites.
Eric was kind enough to entertain Claire a few times to give me some dedicated craft room time. I got a ton done, yet still feel like I have so much to do. I fell asleep last night wondering if it really is possible to feel caught up and overwhelmed all at the same time?? I do prefer to be busy, so it's a good problem to have, really!
Eric was kind enough to entertain Claire a few times to give me some dedicated craft room time. I got a ton done, yet still feel like I have so much to do. I fell asleep last night wondering if it really is possible to feel caught up and overwhelmed all at the same time?? I do prefer to be busy, so it's a good problem to have, really!
If you peek over there to the right, you can see that the shop is back open! Many items have returned, but there are some new items that have been added as well including ruffle pillows (!) and new wreaths. I'll also have another pillow and wreath load heading to Rebel soon!
Be sure to hop on over to Simple Organized Living this week for her birthday week celebration. Andrea is hosting 26 giveaways in honor of her 26th birthday, including a giveaway by yours truly!
Later this week I'll be finishing up a *surprise* living room/dining room design project I've been working on. I'm so excited to finally see it come together, and of course, to see the home owner's reaction too! I'll be sure to get some before & afters!
And in other personal news, I'm now 19.5 weeks pregnant. This pregnancy is f.l.y.i.n.g. by, and I can hardly believe we have our ultrasound already this week. If baby cooperates, we're planning to find out what we're having. We didn't find out with Claire, so it should be fun to change things up a bit this time by knowing what we're going to have. I'm thinking we're going to be seeing a lot of blue in our future, and Eric thinks we'll be seeing more pink, so we'll see who's right!
Whew! I think I'll enjoy sitting a few more minutes this morning before this marathon week begins!

If you peek over there to the right, you can see that the shop is back open! Many items have returned, but there are some new items that have been added as well including ruffle pillows (!) and new wreaths. I'll also have another pillow and wreath load heading to Rebel soon!

And in other personal news, I'm now 19.5 weeks pregnant. This pregnancy is f.l.y.i.n.g. by, and I can hardly believe we have our ultrasound already this week. If baby cooperates, we're planning to find out what we're having. We didn't find out with Claire, so it should be fun to change things up a bit this time by knowing what we're going to have. I'm thinking we're going to be seeing a lot of blue in our future, and Eric thinks we'll be seeing more pink, so we'll see who's right!
Whew! I think I'll enjoy sitting a few more minutes this morning before this marathon week begins!
My week, courtesy of the ever-awesome Instagram...

what better way to prepare for worship than a nice family walk??

This is my go-to recipe when I have to bring someone a meal.
I'll share the recipe with you soon.

Neapolitan ice cream with strawberries on top.
That's true love, I tell you.
I would be just a little embarrassed to share how many strawberries exactly
Claire and I have consumed this week. Here's your hint : a lot.
Which brings me to my next picture...

So far this year they're looking healthier than ever, I can't wait to see how big they get!

(and I promise, the shop WILL reopen soon!)

Sundresses and swinging were in order for this girl!
(and look at those curls!)
Happy weekend, everyone!
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