Happy Wednesday!
1. First of all, this is blog post number 700 for me.
That's craziness, people!
2. I'm working on a new group of wreaths this week. Spring and Easter are on my mind, and the colors and fabrics I'm using reflect that. I'm also experimenting with some new flower designs. Here's a peek at one of the wreaths...

3. I just finished up Claire's Easter basket and my craft room now has fake grass static clinging to everything. Whoever invented that stuff needs a serious talking to. Not cool.
4. My parents are traveling in Africa right now and communication with them has been slim at best. Here was their latest update (via Facebook!) which will help you understand why I'm just a bit envious of them right now... "We spent 45 minutes today surrounded by at least 50 elephants. Yesterday I could have reached out of the vehicle and touched an elephant. We've seen giraffes, zebras, lions (10 feet away) leopards (even closer), hippos, hyenas and about 30 other species. All we can say is WOW!"
5. Tonight my Bible study girls and I are getting together and planning to discuss Proverbs 31, I'm anticipating good conversation.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30 (NIV)

1. First of all, this is blog post number 700 for me.
That's craziness, people!
2. I'm working on a new group of wreaths this week. Spring and Easter are on my mind, and the colors and fabrics I'm using reflect that. I'm also experimenting with some new flower designs. Here's a peek at one of the wreaths...

3. I just finished up Claire's Easter basket and my craft room now has fake grass static clinging to everything. Whoever invented that stuff needs a serious talking to. Not cool.
4. My parents are traveling in Africa right now and communication with them has been slim at best. Here was their latest update (via Facebook!) which will help you understand why I'm just a bit envious of them right now... "We spent 45 minutes today surrounded by at least 50 elephants. Yesterday I could have reached out of the vehicle and touched an elephant. We've seen giraffes, zebras, lions (10 feet away) leopards (even closer), hippos, hyenas and about 30 other species. All we can say is WOW!"
5. Tonight my Bible study girls and I are getting together and planning to discuss Proverbs 31, I'm anticipating good conversation.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30 (NIV)