A few months back, I watched as several gals from the blogging community tried out making quilts through the help of this quilt-along tutorial at The Old Red Barn Co. I really wanted to try it out as well, and for some reason that I'm not sure, I didn't do it.
BUT, it's never too late to start, right?!?

SO, last night, I ordered this whole stack of Paula Prass Summer Soiree goodness to try out my first quilt!
As a side note, I really should NOT have ordered this and then immediately tried to go to bed afterwards. I was up all night (no really, all night) quilting in my head because I was just too excited.
We're thinking of moving Claire to a "big girl bed" this winter, and so my hope is to make her a cheery and bright quilt to keep her cozy and happy in her new big girl bed.
I'll keep you posted on the progress, wish me luck!