The way.too.long.anticipated craft show finally arrived! As luck would have it, I woke up to rain on Saturday morning, but thankfully it had passed by the time we arrived at St Pats. It remained hot and sticky the rest of the day, but we didn't feel a drop all day.
My mom, dad and I arrived at 8 am to begin setting up. I was convinced since the entire display had been set up in my basement for weeks that it wouldn't take long to set up once we arrived, but we still took about the entire two hours to get ready.
By the time the show started, I was so giddy about how it had all come together. The display came together exactly how I would have hoped. Here's a look!
the last thing we wanted was to have a
My mom, dad and I arrived at 8 am to begin setting up. I was convinced since the entire display had been set up in my basement for weeks that it wouldn't take long to set up once we arrived, but we still took about the entire two hours to get ready.
By the time the show started, I was so giddy about how it had all come together. The display came together exactly how I would have hoped. Here's a look!

standard craft show "booth"
my mom and I set out to create a vintage feel in our display
we used items like an antique chair to add to the charm
the door was one we had taken out of our summer home. it was the exact length of the table and worked perfectly as a backdrop, and for displaying my yarn wreaths.
my dad has built a cradle and changing table for each of his grand kids. he made a set to sell at the show. they worked great for displaying items too!
and a few close views...

I don't anticipate participating in this same show again as it really didn't draw large crowds at all (a jewelry vendor near us only sold one pair of earrings all day, and another vendor of small sewn items had sold nothing at all). I do feel great about my display and product though, and certainly wouldn't rule out doing another craft show sometime in the future!
my mom and I set out to create a vintage feel in our display
we used items like an antique chair to add to the charm