Blogcation was good...productive...necessary.
It looked something like this:
* i learned the art of assembly line production
(I don't like it, but it is efficient)
* 25 zippered pouches were made
*my craft bag was packed each weekend we headed out
* 10 pull string pouches were made
* tablecloths were sewn and my craft show display created
* craft show packaging is set, (thanks Eric!)
* 20 pillows were sewn
* my serger ran out of thread
* i wanted to say lots of bad words while trying to re-thread it
* i used google and you tube to try to figure out how to do it
* loads of cards and gift tag sets were made
* i made a serious dent in my fabric supply
(woe is me, I'm just going to have to buy some new fabric)
*we had a very enjoyable week-long family staycation
* 20+ yarn wreaths were made
* my summer's favorite things auto-posted, hope you liked them!
* we threw a backyard party for about 40 family & friends
* i did way too much stress eating
* 20 + flower pins were made
*i've decided it's time for the craft show to just hurry up and get here already!
It looked something like this:

(I don't like it, but it is efficient)
* 25 zippered pouches were made
*my craft bag was packed each weekend we headed out
* 10 pull string pouches were made
* tablecloths were sewn and my craft show display created
* craft show packaging is set, (thanks Eric!)

* my serger ran out of thread
* i wanted to say lots of bad words while trying to re-thread it
* i used google and you tube to try to figure out how to do it
* loads of cards and gift tag sets were made
* i made a serious dent in my fabric supply
(woe is me, I'm just going to have to buy some new fabric)
*we had a very enjoyable week-long family staycation

* my summer's favorite things auto-posted, hope you liked them!
* we threw a backyard party for about 40 family & friends

* 20 + flower pins were made
*i've decided it's time for the craft show to just hurry up and get here already!