Day 18: Nikon D3000 Camera

I've been eyeing one of these for months. I really, really, really (emphasis on REALLY) wanted one, but for some reason was struggling to do it. I think it was the cost. But, I knew that the pictures I was getting with my point and shoot just weren't cutting it anymore. With a busy two year old, I needed a camera that worked fast.
Lucky for me, Claire made the decision for me. While holding my old point-and-shoot camera, she managed to drop it on a brick pathway and bent the zoom. I brought the camera in to discover that repairing it would cost more than buying a new one.
So, I took advantage of the Black Friday deals, and picked up this Nikon, and I LOVE it! I still have a lot of reading and researching to do to make sure I'm fully utilizing it, but I can already tell such a difference in my picture quality.
Me, feeling like a rock star with my new camera
And this Saturday, I'm taking this camera for a real test drive. My photographer brother-in-law Brian is hosting a Help-Portrait day. His goal, with the help of a few other area photographers, is to take family photos of 30 families in our area who could not otherwise afford professional pictures. All for free to them. How cool is that? He's asked that I join him that day to take pictures of the photographers in action. Taking photos of photographers, now that's not intimidating!