First things first, have you entered the $50 Shabby Apple giveaway yet??
(hint : there's not a lot of entries yet which means
you've got a really good chance of winning!)
and now for a peek at our week...
we toured a greenhouse where Claire became hypnotized by the fairy garden supplies.
I'm with her on this one, there's some seriously cute stuff!
every morning and every day post-nap we look out the window.
Claire used to do the same thing.
Just checking out what's going on in the world, I suppose.
Claire's best bud from school brought her an antler from his Grandpa's ranch in Montana. I kind of want to paint it and keep it for myself, but I don't think she'll be giving up this treasure any time soon.
the seeds we planted last week are growing!!
So far marigolds, squash, tomatoes, radishes, and basil have all made appearances!
Not bad for a non-green thumb.
laying out all of the pieces for Claire's new room.
I've been waiting to do this ever since we bought the house last summer,
which could certainly explain why the collection has grown so large!
my mom joined us for lunch one day which means we ditched our usual PB&J's
for chicken salad squares, salad, crackers & cheese, and strawberries.
a little peek into Rebel.Reclaimed that includes something new I'm making,
I'll share details next week!
Insta-addicts, find me on Instagram as : coraannedesigns
Hope you all have a great weekend!
I've got an appointment Saturday morning for a haircut and highlights, yessss!