(can you sense my excitement???)
This felt like a week of highs and lows,
and I'm really ready for a weekend and a chance of pace.
Here's a peek...
back splash tiling with my dad.
we chose a white subway tile with a crackle finish. classic.
the finished product.
crying our way through Target. sigh.
discovering Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day products at Target.
and learning that I am the last.person.on.the.face.of.the.planet to use the stuff.
realizing that Zachary had been bit by another child in the playroom at the gym,
and having to figure out how to deal with it.
sewing new pillows for Rebel to bring to the Allegan Antiques Market this weekend.
having a weepy-mess-of-a-mom kind of moment in the preschool drop off line realizing that we're only about 3 weeks out from Claire being done in preschool. But on arriving home from dropping her off, I read this:
"Don't be disturbed today by thoughts about tomorrow; leave tomorrow alone, and bank in confidence on God's organizing of what you do not see."
- Oswald Chambers
this bathing suit from J.Crew arriving at my door step.
is it summer yet???
Have a great weekend!
We're looking at temperatures in the 60's around here, finally!
Insta-addicts, find me on Instagram as : coraannedesigns
Insta-addicts, find me on Instagram as : coraannedesigns