It's Friday night, yessss!
I hope you're all having a great start to your weekend!
Here's a peek at our last week....
I tried encouraging Spring by wearing bright colors + ditching boots for ballet flats.
Claire told me I looked like an art teacher. What does that even mean???
boys + overalls. the best.
oh yes I did!
A new Home Goods just opened in my town. Yes, this picture is of Target. I tried going to Home Goods on opening day, but a few too many rude people in the parking lot made me think that even trying to go inside would be a mistake. So I headed to my happy place instead. And seeing as the entire universe was at Home Goods, I just about had Target to myself and it was awesome!
Easter baskets are done!
(I spy hohos)
Today was another stop-just-pinning-start-actually-printing day.
I love fabulous (free) art!
I checked another painting project off my to do list this week.
Craigslist has been so good to me, I can't wait to show you this new little dresser in its new home!
my peeps, butterfly watching at Meijer Gardens
fellow insta-addicts, find me on Instagram as : coraannedesigns