
Oh hello, Insta-Friday, it's been a while!
Here's a bit about what this week looked like...
Proofs from our family pictures.
Eric had Monday off so we hit up some shops including one shop full of cool vintage treasures.  This chair, ugh, I wanted it so bad and didn't buy it, now it's been haunting me all week.
it's a good thing he's cute, because wow is this boy starting to cause some trouble around here!
And the no clothes thing?  I don't really know what that was about.
I've just recently started using a babysitter occasionally during the day.  This is me at the start of a FOUR hour stretch with a babysitter!  #runningerrandsefficiently
We're doing it this year.
 I'm so excited I may or may not have just spent an entire evening looking up Elf ideas on Pinterest.
Love my babies!
 Have a great weekend!

life rearranged
