Happy Friday, everyone!
Blogger was choosing to not cooperate last night as I tried to write this post,
but here it is, better late than never...

My sewing machine and I were best friends last week. I finally had time to sit down and see if I could make a pillow design a reality. This is my favorite kind of sewing project - no pattern, just a vision and figuring out how to make it happen.

the first two ruffly/pleated pillows!

I also sat down to finish Little Guy's crib skirt. No pattern for this project either, and way more pinning and ironing than what I prefer, but I'm so proud of how it turned out!

It was Claire's turn to bring Mr Bear home from school. She had the bear for one night and then had to document what she did with him. Here he is with us at the grocery store. Does anyone else find him just a tad bit creepy?!?

Thursday morning was my 39 week doctor's appointment. I promised Claire we would have a girl's day after wards that included going out for breakfast. From there we headed to the mall and did some shopping to get her all set with winter gear. While I can't wait for Little Guy to make his arrival, I wouldn't trade the four years I've had with just Claire for anything.

and a reward for a good check up?
one yummy cinnamon roll!

off to her Halloween celebration at school.
We've had this costume for nearly 2 months and she was not allowed to touch it until it was time to put it on, so needless to say, this was a very big day!
Have a great weekend everyone, stay safe while enjoying your Halloween activities!