Four summers ago, my family was in the process of helping my Grandma move out of her apartment and into assisted living. My Grandma hand selected one "big ticket" item from her apartment for each of her grand kids. In addition to that, we could all more/less pick and choose any other items we wanted from her apartment. I picked up this chair of hers.
It wasn't that I was so enamored with it as it was (peach wouldn't really be my thing!) but I recognized that it was a nice chair, and seeing as my Grandpa made his living in the furniture industry, it made sense in my mind to take a piece of furniture.
The chair has been sitting in our back storage room of our basement all these years. I've felt horrible about that, but I wanted to wait to fix it up until I had just the perfect spot for it.
For our summer home being about a 100 year old house, it has a surprisingly large master bedroom. And after moving in the furniture we had for the master, we were left with an empty corner that was begging for my Grandma's chair!
I just picked it up from the upholsterer this week and could not be more happy with how it turned out.
This fabric was not necessarily what I had in mind when I pictured re-upholstering the chair, but I saw the sample and nothing else compared. I saved a ton on fabric and labor by having it reupholstered as one cushion rather than re-creating the "cushion on top of the chair" look.
I am so pleased with this project, and something tells me my Grandma would love it too!

For our summer home being about a 100 year old house, it has a surprisingly large master bedroom. And after moving in the furniture we had for the master, we were left with an empty corner that was begging for my Grandma's chair!
I just picked it up from the upholsterer this week and could not be more happy with how it turned out.