Here's what I'm most thankful for, right now!
1. A nice date night out on Friday, celebrating Eric's birthday.
(And a nice 8 ounce filet with Gorgonzola cream sauce, oh yeah!)
2. A very productive Saturday on both errands and projects.
3. Claire's quilt top is almost done!
4. Great songs in church this Sunday.
5. A two year old who loves to sing hymns.
6. Eric getting me all set up for an evening relaxing in bed when I wasn't feeling so great.
7. A relatively easy time with potty training so far.
8. Sunshine and 38 degrees felt so good.
9. A successful afternoon of painting with my brother.
10. He did all the cutting in, so I didn't have to.
(it's not my favorite part of painting!)
What are you most thankful for today?