Prior to heading to my mom's group this week, I threw on a white long sleeve tee with jeans and a belt. I thought I was looking pretty put-together until it was just about time to head out the door. I looked down and sure enough, I had pink something or another all down my side. Hmm. Must be my daughter's raspberry yogurt from breakfast I figure. Bummer. No time to change, so I throw a sweater over my shirt and head out. I don't feel too put-together or cute anymore.
So I get to my mom's group and notice two other moms wearing white long sleeve tee's with jeans. The only difference between me and them (besides the pink stain down my front and the now frumpy sweater covering the stain) is that each of them is wearing a long silver chain necklace. What a great idea I thought. It was just something little to turn a basic white tee into a really cute outfit!
So, my radar is out now for a necklace. I haven't had a whole lot of luck yet finding exactly what I want, but here's what I've found so far...
Jen Ecklund Designs Layering Chain Necklace

Turquoise Bead Necklace from Banana Republic
I was hoping for something more chunky and chain-like. Any great suggestions, send them my way!