I Love This Fabric!

Potato Soup
Introducing: Flower & Ladybug

And from this picture......came these sweet ladybug tags!
My Hunt for a Necklace

Turquoise Bead Necklace from Banana Republic
I was hoping for something more chunky and chain-like. Any great suggestions, send them my way!
Donate Your Maternity Clothes
I know the trend for a lot of moms is to bring their maternity clothes to a consignment shop or to sell them in a garage sale to hopefully make some money off of them. I would recommend instead bringing your used maternity clothes to a women's crisis center. They are always in need of donations of maternity clothes as well as infant clothes and supplies, (and you know as well as I do that they can use them more than the small amount we might make selling the clothes!)
In our area, I chose the Pregnancy Resource Center. Their main work at the PRC is to spread the message of Jesus Christ. They do this while providing training in sexual responsibility in a relationship, providing medical information, interventions in crisis pregnancies including pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, 24-hour helpline, assistance for parents with babies and toddlers, and finally, post-abortion counseling.
The Pregnancy Resource Center provides ultrasounds for a lot of women who are considering having an abortion in hopes that seeing the baby growing and moving inside of them will change their mind. Many baby's lives have been saved as a result of the work they do.
Besides monetary donations, here is the list from the
New or Gently Used Summer clothing, Sizes 0-4T
Milk Based Formula
Colorful Mobiles for Crib
Snuggles Carriers
Crib Sheets
Jars of Baby Food
Breast Pumps
Potty Chairs
Training Cups
High Chairs
Play Pens
Baby Swings & Other Baby Equipment (New or Used)
New Children's Bible Story Books
Disposable Diapers 4's, 5's and 6's
Baby Care Items (shampoo, lotion, powder, wipes)
New and Clean, Used Children's Clothing (newborn-4T)
Maternity Pants, Shorts and Shirts
Be sure to check out your local women's crisis center next time you want to make a donation, they can really use your help!
Introducing: Button Tags

Little Play Place

Next to her archway where she enters would be this cute little mailbox from Pottery Barn Kids. So her mumma could leave her special little pieces of mail throughout the day!

I would place this adorable Hello. decal from TastySuite right by the mailbox.

For lighting, I would hang a large paper globe light. (I must admit that I somewhat stole this idea from my neighbors...they have a few of these hanging in their kid's playroom, and I just love them!)
Those are just my thoughts so far. I'm still looking for some fun artwork for the walls. It would probably be in my husband's best interest to get this project going sooner rather than later as the longer it goes, the bigger my ideas are going to get!
Valentine Card Swap

-Send April an email [aprilfosterevents(at)gmail.com] with Valentine Card Swap in the subject line by January 25th.
-Include your name, address, email address, and website/blog address [if you have one].
-April will email you up to 5 names and addresses to send cards to by January 28th.
-Be sure your cards are homemade - anything handmade goes.
-Please send cards out no later than February 9th.
Help, I'm Scrapbooking!
My Workspace: Floating Table

When we started arranging the furniture in my workspace, I envisioned my table being smashed up against a wall. After all, isn't that what we do with our furniture, we push it all back against a wall? My brilliant husband (remember, he's the one who found the snazzy desk accessories at Pottery Barn?!?) suggested that I leave my table in the middle of the room. Gee, I thought I was a pretty decorating-savvy person, but I would have never thought of that! It was genius! We then took a rug that we had purchased originally intended to use the our nursery and put it under the table. It didn't work how we had hoped in the nursery, but I loved it too much to return it! It works great under my table though and helps make the table look as though it's actually supposed to be right there in the middle of the room!
If you're anything like me, you do a lot of standing and hovering while working on your craft. I have a chair by my table, but it rarely gets sat in. I do too much moving around to sit! So having my table smack in the middle of the room allows me to orbit and work from any side I want, it's perfect!
Take note...the picture at the top of this post shows my table looking all clean, that's not real. The picture below is what my table currently, and just about always looks like. Thank goodness I can just close the door when I'm done and I don't even have to look at the mess!

Introducing: Stitched Tags
I Couldn't Resist!

Introducing: The Sunburst
So, when I spotted the sunburst stamp, I had to have it. I love stamping it in copper colored ink. I think it makes a great stylish statement, and certainly sends the message that you give great gifts!
Local Etsy Sellers
It's so much fun to search and see what Etsy sellers are in your area...I did a search and actually found some people that I knew!
Use this link to find Etsy sellers in your area!
Snazzy Desk Accessories