Young Living's May Promos

Here are your FREE PRODUCT promos for the month of May! 

With every 190PV order, receive : 
15ml Melrose
5ml Manuka
ER Bonus : 5ml Cedarwood

With every 250PV order, receive : 
20 ER Points
15ml Melrose
5ml Manuka
ER Bonus : 5ml Cedarwood

With every 325PV order, receive : 
Dewdrop Diffuser
20 ER Points
15ml Melrose
5ml Manuka
ER Bonus : 5ml Cedarwood

With every 425PV order, receive : 
Art Skin Care System
Dewdrop Diffuser
20 ER Points
15ml Melrose
5ml Manuka
ER Bonus : 5ml Cedarwood

Have questions about placing an order
or about Essential Rewards?
Contact me at,
I'm happy to help!


May Monthly Newsletter

My newsletter for May is set to go out tonight.
This month I'm talking oils + Springtime

Sign up here to receive it

 And follow along anytime on Facebook + Instagram
