It's Friday!! We've got weekend packed with family activities planned, and I'm so ready!
But first, here's a peek back at our week...
he didn't like his spaghetti one bit.
#nottrue #bathtime
(notice his crossed feet? he always does that and I love it)
(notice his crossed feet? he always does that and I love it)
there was a crazy thunderstorm happening outside (in's nuts!)
but things were nice and cozy in my craft room.
(anyone notice anything different about the Michigan pillow???)
I'll give you one guess which item was NOT on my Target shopping list
Claire has been talking and talking about the animal encyclopedia in her classroom at school. So I bought her the same one and surprised her with it. Wow, we have both learned a ton about animals this week! I love seeing her excited to learn.
new pillows, heading to Rebel soon!
have I mentioned that I gave up drinking Diet Coke? I haven't had one now in 3 weeks, and the truth is, I don't really miss it. And a possible added bonus : running for the last week has suddenly felt a million times easier. The two may or may not be related, but regardless, I'll take it! 
awww. my boy's first time sledding!
Have a great weekend!
insta-addicts : find me on Instagram as coraannedesigns